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Rush Greatest Hits of the 70's
18 Total Rush Songs

Rush Greatest Hits of the 80's
15 Total Rush Songs

Rush Longest Hits
6 Total Rush Songs

Rush Music Collection
105 Total Rush Songs

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All payments in U.S. Dollars Only.

PAYPAL (preferred)

Personal Check

Money Order


Method of Shipment/Delivery

Domestic USA & U.S. Territories
First Class
First Class Only Good for 1-4 CD's for U.S. Shipments

Canadian & All Other International Shipments
CANADA Priority
Canadian Airmail ... (1-12 CD's only)

GLOBAL Priority
International Airmail ... (1-12 CD's only)

Please Choose Your CD Selection(s) Below
Rush Greatest Hits of the 70's CD (1 CD)
Rush Greatest Hits of the 80's CD (1 CD)
Rush Longest Hits CD (1 CD)

All 3 RUSH Music CD's ($24.00)

Rush Collection (105 MP3's/DVD-Rom) ($30.00)

Cost of any 1 Rush Music CD = $9 + S&H
Cost of any 2 Rush Music CD's = $18 + S&H
Cost of ALL 3 Rush Music CD's = $24 + S&H

S&H - (US First Class) starts @ $3.00
S&H - (US Priority 1-6 CD's) is $7.00
S&H - (Priority 7-11 CD's) varies on location
S&H - (US Priority 12-50) is @ $13.00

* Please Note * that US Priority included on ALL
music CD orders of 5 & up CD's. Most prices using
check/paypal are usually cheaper than CC prices.
All Shipments Outside The United States
S&H - (Canadian Airmail) starts @ $8.00
S&H - (Canadian PRIORITY) starts @ $21.00

S&H - (International Airmail) starts @ $10.00
S&H - (International Priority) starts @ $25.00

NO Deliveries To: Afghanistan, Ascension Islands,
Bahrain, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia,
Chad, Cuba, East Timor, Falkland Islands,
Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan,
Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Lybia, Maldives, North Korea,
Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria
Sri Lanka, also most of the MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA....
In most cases listed above, the reasons why I cannot ship is that there is no guarantee that delivery could ever be made by the mail service of your country or that the music reproductions (CD's) are actually not allowed by law to be shipped to your country. Other countries such as North Korea are on the do not send list of the US.

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