Released -  September 1975
Produced by:  RUSH and Terry Brown

Record Label
Mercury Records

Catalog # SRM-1-1046

Band Members

Geddy Lee: All Vocals & Bass Guitars
Neil Peart: Drums & Percussions
Alex Lifeson: Electric & Acoustic Guitars

side one side two
Bastille Day The Fountain Of Lamnenth
I Think I'm Going Bald I. In The Valley
Lakeside Park II. Didacts And Narpets
The Necromancer
III. No One At The Bridge
I. Into Darkness IV. Panacea
II. Under The Shadow V. Bacchus Plateau
III. Return Of The Prince VI. The Fountain

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Thanks For Visiting And Be Sure To Tell All Your Friends. Growing up in Levittown in the 70s and 80s, I came to like Rush through my brother, Patrick. Pat started playing the drums when he was 10. Though he started playing his first favorite band, "The Doors", he soon started to like Rush even better. Being a natural drummer, one can appreciate the percussion talent of Neil Pert, one of the World's renown and right up there with Keith Moon as greatest drummers of all time. Rush started out playing hard rock, but with the release of "Grace Under Pressure" in 1984, Rush became more of new sound Rock 'N Roll. But Rush never strayed too close to anyone else than themselves, thus like Yes, played the songs the way they wanted. Rush will now and forever, never become a pop band, thus guaranteeing themselves one of the best rockin' and rollin' bands to ever inhabit the Earth.

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